Sunday, April 6, 2008

Road Food

The Urban Kids and I had a successful trip to St. Louis for the weekend! We managed to spend six hours in the car together each way without any permanent damage done. Urban Kid 1 will make it clear every time that she can NOT understand why we don't FLY like she gets to do when Best Namma Ever! comes to collect her. However, for her, the one highlight of driving to StL is eating at one of her favorite places. You see, she's found Culinary Nirvana at:

They can be found in the suburbs of Chicago, but not in the city. And they're all over Illinois and St. Louis. She lives for the grilled cheese sandwich. Poor kid. When she's with Best Namma Ever!, she gets to have fries too. Her evil rotten Urban Mom makes her get the apple slices and grapes. (this keeps evil rotten UM from eating the fries!) Up side? Eat most of her lunch and she scores a shake (junior-sized with evil rotten UM).

But we all probably have some kind of road food that we like. On any trip to StL, I make sure to get an Orange Freeze at Steak n Shake. They were a favorite of mine as a kid, so they're a treat now.

Also, who lives near a


I LOVE these roast beef sandwiches. And I can only find them in St. Louis, so far. Slather some Barbeque Sauce on them, and I've found my own Culinary Nirvana. In Chicago, I can't find a roast beef chain. Seriously, I would limp along on Arby's between trips to StL, if I could. But no luck, so when I go home, I go all carnivore and head to the drive-thru.

But honestly, we did a few other things besides eat on this trip! I'll fill you in over the next few days. In the meantime, Best Namma Ever! and Her Husband are off to France tomorrow for two weeks. I hope that they are too, too busy to e-mail or call, so it'll be a virtual "radio silence" for a while. But she comes up to visit a few days after returning to the States.

I'd venture a request that she bring along some sandwiches and an orange freeze, but I think we'd just get some wrappers and an empty cup. And who could blame her?

Geez, now I'm hungry......


T said...

I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Your blog looks really cool and now I want a roast beef sandwich and a milkshake! We don't have those places in the burbs of Houston but something similar.

Amy said...

Oh, Lordy. We love Steak n Shake. I'm fond of the Frisco melt myself.

When we travel, we plan our stops around the Cracker Barrel. Big fans of the Cracker Barrel here.

When I was a kid it was Stuckey's with the big giant Texas flyswatters and backscratchers for sale in the gift shop. Too bad they are gone.

Glad you're back!

Redefining Paradise- Rachel said...

I remember Steak & Shake!!! We don't have them out here in California.......but when we lived in Kansas City we used to go here.......pretty yummy, and yes the grilled cheese was a favorite around here too