Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Yeah, it's made the rounds for a couple of years, and everyone has seen it. But this always makes me giggle stupidly (i know, short trip). I think it's because we all know families like this -- where you couldn't get more different people out of the same set of parents. Pink Power Ranger & I are an excellent example. Luckily, we use our powers for the forces of good! And the guys in this particular video really remind me of the sons of the Urban Kids' Godparents. It's like looking into a crystal ball into the future for their kids.

Enjoy the love!

(and yes, i've been a lazy blogger lately. workin' on it!)


Anonymous said...

The absolute happiest U-Mother's Day to you!


rita said...

I'm glad you're back! Don't forget the flavor of the month at 9 p.m., dammit!

Uptown Girl said...

haha that was great... reminds me of my brothers.