Thursday, August 7, 2008

Losing the Battle of Wills to a 19-month-old

BACKSTORY: Urban Kid 2 is now out of her smaller-than-standard-sized crib and in a toddler bed. Which she refuses to fall asleep in. Here was tonight's adventure in parenthood as told in the text messages between me and Best Namma Ever!. The numbers represent the number of times that I have returned U-Kid 2 to her toddler bed.

8:32pm Me: 63

8:32pm BNE!: Success?

8:33pm Me: 67

8:33pm BNE! Oh. Got it.

8:34pm Me: 70. She's mad!

8:36pm BNE!: Maybe she's about to give up.

8:38pm Me: 79. She's SO MAD!
8:42pm Me: 88
8:48pm Me: 98
8:54pm Me: 108

8:54pm BNE!: Going to give up?

9:00pm Me: Holdn @ 111
9:01pm Me: 112
9:06pm Me: Holdn @ 113. She might be gettn the memo.

9:07pm BNE!: Hope so

9:12pm Me: 119. Memo must b in circular file.

9:12pm BNE!: Oh oh

9:15pm Me: 3 minutes

9:17pm BNE!: It's been an hour or more total.

9:18pm Me: Yes it has! 120!!!!!!!!!!
9:23pm Me: 125. Bagged it. She's in pak n play.

9:24pm BNE!: Better luck tomorrow

9:24pm Me: *sigh*


Dy said...

Awww, it'll come. I remember telling a friend at one point when DS9 was a toddler, "I don't want to break his spirit. No, wait. You know, actually, I think I do..."

Thankfully, it helps to have someone to share the insanity with us so we don't lose sight of The Whole Point. (And no, I didn't break his wee spirit. Thankfully.)

I'll be rootin' for you tomorrow night!


T said...

Oh wow! I remember those days when Samantha was little. Never had many problems from Grace. Only one time for about 2 weeks she would get up and hide from us - sometimes in the pantry or bathtub. She thought it was funny. I guess it kind of was! Good luck!