Sunday, March 29, 2009

Graffiti + A Secret!

Written on the wall in the Girls' Bathroom on the third floor of Great Big Urban High School:


Source: one of the female teachers in GBUHS's English Dept. Yes, I hope to see it for myself before it gets cleaned off. And no, I was not the one who wrote it!
Also, can you keep a secret? I went downtown today and bought two tickets for this:
Urban Kid 1 loves the movie. She rides around on the back of the grocery cart, arms hooked over the edge and facing out like the front of a ship, singing MP songs throughout the store. She's reading the original MP with the help of audiobook CD's.

Best Namma Ever! is treating us to this adventure. We're in the balcony towards the back, but we're there. Seriously, I can't bring myself to pay more than $50 per ticket to take a 5yo to the theater! So yeah, we're considered to be in the "cheap" seats. But you know U-Kid 1 will love it!

And it has to stay a secret, because the tickets are for the matinee show on Saturday, June 13. If she finds out sooner, the waiting will just torment her!

(PS: Finally watched Twilight. Collecting my thoughts. And pictures from Google. Check back here soon.)


ohio12 said...

you must take a picture of the graffiti!

Jenni said...

Oh yes, pictures are in order. I think that deserves a place in the family scrapbook.